Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Everything I need to know I learned in PRESCHOOL...

So this morning I got a call at 8:00 from my sister, which typically she knows better than to call me that early, but after the second call in a row I answered. Today was my niece Brooklyn's turn to be leader at her preschool and with that responsibility she also gets to bring snacks and someone to be the "special" helper for the day. Brooklyn didn't want to bring her mom or dad or even grandma, she wanted her aunt Teph. What an honor huh? While I was there I watched the things they learned and played I thought about some of the life lessons and also some not-so-life lessons we learn right away in preschool.

  • Wash your hands before you eat and after you play outside
  • Thumbs up... (when cutting with scissors)
  • We hear with our ears, see with our eyes, feel with our fingers, taste with our tounge, and smell with our nose.
  • Take turns
  • When in a bad mood...have a snack. (It does wonders)
  • Boys have cooties
  • We can be whatever we want to be when we grow up.
  • Fold your arms, bow your head, and say your prayers (in there case before you eat)

1 comment:

The Waltz's said...

cute...I'm trying to decide if my favorite is boys have cooties or when in a bad mood, eat a snack.